The 5 commandments

1) Only for good reasons

We will never use your data in the wrong way. We will only use your informations to improve your experience on our website.

2) Safe

We will protect and secure your data.

3) Only straight and direct talking

We will never surprise you with nonsense talking. We are always direct and brief when we will be talking to you

4) You are in control of your date

If you don’t want to hear from us, we won’t talk to you for nothing.

5) Keep the basics

We will never ask for unnecessary information. If we don’t need it, we will not collect it.

About your privacy

We are commited to protecting the privacy and the security of our customers and site visitors. Our team are customers, so we appreciate and respect how important privacy is. If ou have any question about your privacy and data collection, you can alway contact-us.

For all our services, the only responsible for your privacy is

More in depth in our Privacy Policy

  • Collecting personal information
  • Sharing personal information
  • Using personal information
  • Selling personal Information
  • Marketing
  • Advertissements for our website online
  • Your rights
  • Cookies
  • Contacting us

Collecting Personal Information

When you visit our website, we collect certain information about your device, your interaction with the Site, and information necessary to process your purchases. We may also collect additional information if you contact us for customer support. In this Privacy Policy, we refer to any information that can uniquely identify an individual (including the information below) as “Personal Information”. See the list below for more information about what Personal Information we collect and why.

Your Personal Details, such as your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number.

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
Identify you when you visit our website or contact usChecking your identity helps us to keep your information safe from fraudstersWe have to do this legally. It is also very important for us
Deliver your purchases to youWe can’t send your order if we don’t use your name and contact detailsWe need to do this to send your order to your adress when you buy on our website
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmationsTo keep you informed of any changes on our websiteWe legally have to do this and it is also very important to us to keep you updated
Send you order updates by text and e-mailYou have to know when your order is due to arrive at your doorIt is very important for us
Manage your participation in any promotions, offers or discount schemes you choose to participate inTo ensure you receive any discounts or offers relevant to you at the timeWe think it is very important to continue to communicate with you
Direct you to the right part of our websiteTo get you to the products that you want fasterIt is important for us that you get the best shopping experience on our website
Send you information about our products and servicesWe like to keep you up to date and help you get the best from our products and services (you can find out more in the section on Marketing messages below)It is up to you to choose what your hear from us. It is also important for us to tell you about the product and services we have to offer.

Your payment information

Chosen payment method, card details

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
Take payment, and give refundsSometime, we can giveaway stuff, but not all the timeIt is important to us
Keep a record of any financial transactions with youWe need to know what you have paid forWe legally have to do this

Your contact history with us

Your email, social media profile, private messages. If you contact us, we have to remember what you have said to us.

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
Provide customer service and supportWe have to be the best at thisIt is important to us
Improve the services and support we provide to youSo that you get the best possible customer serviceIt is important to us

Purchase history and saved items

What you have bought in the past and searched for, what you added to your cart

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
Help you keep track of items you like, update you when we have new availability and let you share them, your wayTo help you getting the best product at the best priceIt is up to you if you want to use this service
Handle returns in accordance with our Terms and Conditions and provide customer service and supportBecause we need to know what you bought if you need a refundIt is important to us
Analyse what you have bought, searched for, or returned, which helps us find out what you like.To ensure we are giving you what you want, providing you with the best service we can, and so we can stay ahead of the competition.It is important for us to know your preferences.
We match your purchases to links from affiliates who might have introduced you to our website. We share relevant purchase history with them, so they know when they have made a successful introductionWe have a number of “introducers” who direct new customers to us or promote our products on their sitesIt is important for us to generate new customers through different sources

Information about your device, and how you use our website

Any information collected when you browse our website, including your IP, device type, how you use our website, which pages you visit and how you visit it and, if you choose to share it with us, your location data.

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
Identify you when you visit our websiteTo give you the best experience, we have to remember youIt is important to us
Improve our website and set options for youIt is important to us and it is much easier for you. It also helps us to protect your informationIt is important to us to give you the best experience
Send informatin about our product to youWe want to help you to find the best product. You can find more information about it in the Marketing section bellowIt is important for us
Show you our website advertisements when you browse the webLike this, you can see our latest products and deals that we think you will loveIt is important for us
Minirot visitors to our site and analyse their behaviourTo protect our website from any malicious peopleIt is important for and and we also, legally have to do this

If you post anything on our social media

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
Monitor our customers views and opinionsWe really want to give you the best from us. If you are unhappy about something, we do want to know why to help youIt is important to us
We use public sources of information to help us investigate fraudulent activityTo provent and detect fraud against you or usIt is important to us to protect our website, to protect you and to stop this

Your responses to feedback

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
Sometime, we ask for feedback on our products and how you feel we are doing. Responses are anonymized but we may want to respond to you directly.It makes good sense to check how you feel about us and your purchases from time to time.It is important to us

Other Identifiable information

What we doWhy we do itWhy we need to do it
When you create your account, we create a unique customer ID to identify you easierThis allow us to uniquely identify youIt is important to us
We use public sources of information to help us investigate fraudulent activityTo provent and detect fraud against you or our websiteIt is important to us to protect our website, to protect you and to stop this

You don’t have to give us all your information but if you don’t, you may not be able to buy from our website. You are also unlikely to receive our optimal overall customer experience.

Fraud prevention and detection

We use any of the above categories of information to identify, prevent and detect any fraud. When we do, it is unfortunate, but it is an essential part of our service. Legally, we have to do it.

We also use purchase history data to protect our service and uphold our Terms of Service as part of our contract with you.

Personalising your customer’s experience

We use the data we collect to help us provide you with the best service and the best shopping experience. It is usefull to you because we can show you the latest and the greatest product of our website

Sharing personal information

We do share your date with the following categories of companies as an essential part of being able to provide our services to you:

  • Companies that do things to help you choose your purchases and get them to you. Such as payment service providers, warehouse, order packers and delivery companies
  • Partners that send purchases directly to you
  • Professional service providers, such as marketing agencies, advertising partners and website hosts, who help us to run our business
  • Affiliates who help us reach out to potential news customers or promote our products on their websites
  • Credit refence agencies, law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies (so we can help to track fraud)
  • Other third party payment providers, when you choose to use their payment services

We do not, and will never sell any personal data that directly indentifies you to any third party. We may provide third parties such as our brand partners with information about our customers and their purchases. Before we do so, we will make sure that this information does not identify you.


If you have said we can, we will sens you marketing messages to keep you aware of what we are up to and to help you see and find our products and services.

You can control the marketing communcations you receive from us through our mail. If you do not longer want to receive it, you can click on the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of it.

Advertissements for our website online

You may see our ads and banners when you are on other websites. We manage this though a variety of digital marketing networks and ad exchanges. We also use a range of advertising technologies.

The banners and ads you see are based on information we hold about you.

For more information on our use of advertising technologies and cookies, please see our cookie policy

Your rights

We are a global business with operations arround the world. Some of these locations will not offer the same level of protection for your personal data as the USA or the EU, but if we transfer your information to one of these locations, we will take steps to ensure that your data and rights are protected through methods approved within the relevant data proction laws.

Please contact us if you would like more information about how we protect your transferred information.


If you are a resident of the EEA, you have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you, to port it to a new service, and to ask that your Personal Information be corrected, updated, or erased. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us.

Your Personal Information will be initially processed in Ireland and then will be transferred outside of Europe for storage and further processing, including to Canada and the United States. For more information on how data transfers comply with the GDPR, see WooCommerce’s GDPR Whitepaper


If you are a resident of California, you have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you (also known as the ‘Right to Know’), to port it to a new service, and to ask that your Personal Information be corrected, updated, or erased. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us.

Changes to how we protect your privacy

We may change this page from time to time, to reflect how we are processing your data.

If we make significant changes, we will make that clear on our website and via mail.


We use cookies on our website. For more information on cookies, please see our cookie policy

Contacting Us

If you have any questions or feedback about this privacy policy, do not hesitate to contact our team via the contact-us page